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Happy World Pigment Day!-March 22

I subscribe to various paint manufacturers that make paint and various art supplies. Today I opened an email from Liquitex. Did you know that Liquitex is the first company that developed acrylic paint back in the 1950s? The email said that today, March 22, is World Pigment Day!

Of course, that caught my eye! You can learn a lot from the original source. I like to get it from the "horse's mouth", so any time I do research, or want to learn something, I try to find the original source. (This is why the Bible is my favorite book. You can't get any more original than that!).

If I want to know more about a specific brand of paint, I try to see if the manufacturer has their own website, instead of getting it second hand from a store that sells their brand. Often paint manufacturers have great art tips and tutorials on their own site.

Do you know what pigment means? It is any substance that makes a color. In the art world we get our colors or pigments from various sources; plants, rocks, animals, insects, shells, burnt sticks, etc. Humans are very resourceful and "have made their mark" with paint or drawing supplies from the simplest of materials since the dawn of mankind. Did you know that the Indian Yellow used to come from the urine of cows? Vermeer, Turner, and Van Gogh used it in their paintings. You may look at Starry Night in a whole new way. Just another reason not to touch paintings at the museum! Did you know the specific blue color in Kosher Jewish prayer shawls was thought to be made by a specific snail that lived in that area. The snail disappeared for hundreds of years and has recently been rediscovered. Just a little FYI.

If you are interested in art tutorials, tips, lessons, etc. sign up at various paint manufacturers and get their newsletters. You will learn a lot.

Here are some links to some very reputable artist paint manufacturers. headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio headquarters in New Berlin, New York headquarters in London, England

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٢٤ مارس ٢٠٢٣

I rally like your painting with hands and colors. Was it commissioned for a company? The science vs mixing of colors always fascinated me also. Aren't we glad we don't have mix our own pigments?


عضو غير معروف
٢٣ مارس ٢٠٢٣
تم التقييم بـ ٥ من أصل 5 نجوم.

Keep laying down the pigments that make spiritual sense!!!!!!


عضو غير معروف
٢٣ مارس ٢٠٢٣
تم التقييم بـ ٥ من أصل 5 نجوم.

It fascinates me that pigments and light have different rules. Black in light is the absence of all colors but pigments, or paints and inks are the presence of all colors. Learned that 50+ years in high school and I think that is still correct in this culture correct environment.

عضو غير معروف
٢٣ مارس ٢٠٢٣
الرد على

You are correct. The science of light and color seems opposite to the study of pigments, or the mixing of pigments to get certain colors for artists. One of the first things that Our Creator did before He started creating the universe was to turn on the lights, maybe to see what He was creating. I like to think of God going into his studio to do some artwork, and the first thing he had to do was turn on the lights. I don’t understand the science of it all. It sure is amazing though! What a mighty God we serve! Jesus is the light of the world and with God the Father from the beginning. I …


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